What You Need in Your Makeup Bag
What do you need in your makeup bag?
As part of "The Early Show"'s series "Early's Essentials," makeup expert Trae Bodge, co-founder of Three Custom Color Specialists, shared what every woman needs in her makeup bag.
According to Bodge, many women carry too much and the wrong products in their makeup bags.
"Women are oversold, so they end up carrying products that they don't need or don't know how to use," she told CBS News.
Bodge says makeup should be based on personal needs. However, Bodge said it really comes down to how much time someone has to apply her makeup.
Bodge divided up essentials for makeup bags in terms of these time constraints: five minutes, 15 minutes and 30 minutes.
Five Minute Makeup Bag
- A concealer that can double as foundation if necessary.
- A powder, which sets down makeup and takes away shine.
- A clear brow gel, which separates and defines the lashes as well as keeping your brows in place.
- A Lip/cheek combo product-This tool is getting really popular. It's great because you can use as both a lipstick and a blush. So use just a dab. The safest color is a coral or peachy tone because it naturally brightens the skin.
15 Minute Makeup Bag
-If you have 15 minutes available in the morning, you can take your makeup to another level.
-Use the five minute staple as your foundation, and then build your bag from there.
-You need to branch out from the peachy/coral family and bring in two more color families, preferably something in the pink family, red or berry depending on your preference. What's great about adding these colors is that you can easily transition from day to night.
-Branch out from the two-in-one products and separate your lip and cheek colors. Fifteen minutes gives you the opportunity for a more finished look to create more dimension with lip liner, glosses and lipsticks.
-With this extra time, you also have more time to do your eyes, so you should have in your makeup bag a trio/or quad of colors that go from neutral to deep and look for shadows that can be used wet or dry, so you can use the deeper shade as a liner.
-Because you're using color on your eyes, this is the time to use mascara to define eyes.
30 Minute Makeup Bag
-If you have 30 minutes, you have time to play and experiment every day.
-This is also a makeup bag that I recommend for someone who travels and needs options.
-All you really need to add to this makeup bag is a great lipstick palette, and a great eye shadow palette that has a big variety of everything.
But what about makeup tools?
Bodge said makeup tools, such as an eyelash curler, a foundation/concealer brush and eye shadow brushes, are essential for someone who has 30 minutes or more to devote to their makeup. However, for women that don't have as much time, she said it's not important.
She said, "You want a clean, polished look, rather than a look that requires the use of tools."
Here are the essentials:
5 minutes in the morning makeup bag must haves:
• Concealer
• Powder or bronzer
• Clear brow gel (can use as mascara)
• Lip & cheek combo product (lip & cheek stain)
15 minutes in the morning makeup bag must haves:
• All of the above, plus:
• Great eye shadow trio or quad that goes from neutral to deep
• Lip and cheek colors divided by color family - Bodge suggests from the pink, berry/violet, red family.
• You need to separate out the lipstick, lip gloss
• You need separate cheek products as well
30 minutes in the morning makeup bag must haves:
• All of the above, plus:
• Two more palettes: an eye shadow palette and a lip palette
• Eye pencils
Bodge's picks for great "essential" brands:
Three Custom Color Specialists
The Lipstick Queen
100percent Pure
Daniel Sandler
Mineral Essentials
Bodge's picks for great "essential" websites: