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What kids really think about social media

(CBS News) Most kids are too young to understand social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. And yet even though they are pretty clueless about these things that we adults seem to be obsessed with, their comments about them are surprisingly and hilariously insightful. Check out the video above where Mark Malkoff asks a bunch of little people what they think about the social media trend.

Yes, while likening tweets to toots and bloggers to boogers may not be spot-on, kids don't beat around the bush when it comes to Facebook. One kid calls out Malkoff for his supposed 3,000 friends on Facebook, because he knows they are not all his real friends. And another notes the ridiculousness of his mother posting photos of him for the world to see. I think these kids have a point! "Why does my mom put photos of her breakfast on Facebook?" Exactly! Why do we feel the need to share everything? These kids are definitely onto something!

For more funny from Malkoff on The Feed, click here!
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