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What it's like to be on the crew of an aircraft tanker

(CBS News) One of the many things I love about the Internet is the opportunity to see a multitude of people, places and careers I wouldn't otherwise have thought about. For instance, I would never have known what it's like to be part of the crew on an aircraft tanker if I hadn't clicked play on the video above and been blown away. You should probably follow my lead and click play now. (Editor's note: there is a long, fixed shot at the beginning, but you really need to keep watching).

The spectacular footage all takes place aboard a KC-130J aircraft tanker and was posted by YouTube user madcat2986 who writes about his Marine Corps life compilation: 

 Video of my job taken all over the world. 

A big triple-rainbow salute of high-flying excellence goes out to madcat2986 from all of us here at The Feed for sharing this wonderful and unique perspective on his military career! And to check out more videos from madcat2986, be sure to click here to go to his YouTube page.

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