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3 ways to make passive income this holiday season

You can earn extra cash without missing out on the holiday fun. Getty Images

For most people, the holidays are a time for relaxation and spending time with family and friends. You can use this month to make some extra cash, though – without giving up any of your downtime. There are plenty of ways to earn passive income over the holidays that won't require you to give up your vacation. If you wind up spending a little bit more than you wanted to over the holidays, this is the perfect way to earn some of it back and go into January feeling confident in your finances.

One easy way to earn passive income over the holidays is to take paid surveys. Get started now!

3 ways to make passive income this holiday season

No one wants to give up their time off over the holidays, but that doesn't mean you have to completely give up on the grind. Here are four simple ways you can earn passive income without spending too much time – or even getting out of your pajamas.

Take online surveys

Companies are constantly looking for data from consumers to drive their business decisions. They want data so badly, in fact, that they will pay consumers directly for it. All you have to do is fill out surveys about your consumer choices and spending preferences and the companies will pay you for it. 

This could be the simplest way to make money from home over the holidays. Just get out your phone or computer while your family is watching Elf  – or Home Alone, or whatever your holiday movie of choice is – for the hundredth time, and start filling out some surveys. You'll earn some extra cash without leaving the sofa, and you won't have to feel guilty about buying those extra stocking stuffers or having had an extra drink at a holiday happy hour.

Start getting paid to take online surveys now.

Sell your old things online

Here's a classic holiday tale – you head home to your parent's place for the holidays, and they ask you to look through your things as they need more storage space. Normally, this would be a chore, but you can turn it into a money-making opportunity.

Whether it's old action figures or vintage clothes, there's a good chance you can sell some of your old stuff online to people who will appreciate it. All you need to do is set up an account on eBay or any other resale site, take pictures and list your things. You may have to pay for shipping, but you can still turn a tidy sum if you have some attractive things to sell.

Even if you aren't going home for the holidays, you can clear out space in your own house for your new Christmas or Hanukkah gifts by selling your old clothes or toys your kids have outgrown online. 

Pet or house-sit

If you don't have plans this holiday season, take advantage of your lone wolf status by taking care of someone else's home and/or pets while they are out of town. This one takes a bit more work than some of the other options – you'll have to feed and walk an animal if that's the option you choose. If you're bummed out about being alone over the holidays, though, the company of a furry friend could be just what you need. There are myriad online services to match with potential house and pet-sitting clients, so start looking now.

The bottom line

Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean you have to stop hustling. You can use the holidays to make some extra money that you can spend on gifts or fun holiday activities – or just to pad your bank account heading into the new year. There are ways to make extra money that don't require you to leave the house or get off the couch, including taking paid surveys. All you need is a computer and a desire to make some money.

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