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Watch: Woman snatches Djokovic shirt from teen

One of the glorious sweaty post-match traditions of a Grand Slam final is for the victor to toss items - a few shirts, sweat bands, towels, etc. - to adoring fans in the stands.

Such was the case Sunday in Melbourne when Novak Djokovic, minutes after winning the Australian Open, threw one of his shirts to a teenage girl in the first row. The problem? A woman with cat-like reflexes snatched the shirt from the unsuspecting girl. (Watch video above).

And she has no plans on giving it back.

The shirt catcher, Yael Rothschild, told the Herald Sun that she is hurt by the suggestion she snatched it from the 14-year-old, Melissa Cook.

"When the shirt was thrown, there would have been 20 excited people, all with their hands out," she told the Heral Sun. "After (it had been) thrown, there would have been 19 disappointed people. Such is life. I am not sure how you can snatch out of the hands (of) someone sitting three seats away from you with a barrier between the seating."

That dubious explanation certainly didn't fly with Cook, a Djokovic-adoring schoolgirl who told the newspaper that the shirt was obviously meant for her.

"I started crying because I couldn't believe that something I truly believe he meant for me was taken by someone else," the teen told the newspaper. "I had been yelling out to him the whole match and he had looked up and acknowledged me and then at the end he came straight over to my direction and threw the shirt up."

Cook wants the shirt back - but it ain't gonna happen, says Rothschild.

"I'm keeping it," she said. "I'm a huge fan."

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