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Watch: Goal scored on backwards penalty kick

While much of the world was riveted by the inspired and respectful play of the women's World Cup in Germany, a decidedly less inspiring soccer match was being played in the United Arab Emirates between the UAE and Lebanon.

The game was a laugher (won by UAE 6-2) but it was made even more of a joke by a penalty kick in the 78th minute. That's when Awana Diab lined up for a penalty kick with the score 5-2, according to Yardbarker.

But Awana did not take the kick too seriously. In fact he spun around and kicked the ball backwards with his heel. The dumbfounded goalie just watched as the ball rolled to the back of the net.

This is either the most creative or most arrogant penalty kick of all time - probably the latter.

Not surprisingly, the Lebanese team was not amused. The goalkeeper kicked the ball in disgust and one player can be seen jawing with an opponent after the kick.

We're guessing Awana will be a marked man the next time these two teams play.

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