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Watch: Frustrated Browns fan pens letter to team

(CBS News) You have to hand it to long-suffering football fans in Ohio. Their beloved NFL teams may have lost a lot of games in recent years but they haven't lost their sense of humor.

Check out this video by Mike Polk, Jr. The diehard Browns fan (who has mocked Cleveland before) has written a letter to the team about how he will pay for his upcoming season tickets.

In the heartfelt missive, he declares that he will only pay $2 for his four preseason game tickets. His rationale is sound: "I'm sure that you'll concur that 50 cents a seat is a more-than-adequate price to pay to watch fourth-string walk-ons from Mount Union run into each other in a meaningless scrimmage while I drink several of your $11 beers."

He later adds that the balance he owes for the regular season tickets would be delinquent, as he will have to "borrow" from the Browns' playbook: "My checking account is currently in a rebuilding year."

The Browns finished 4-12 last year and have not made the playoffs since the 2002-2003 season.

Polk is not the first long-suffering fan in the state to zing his favorite team. Last year, 95-year-old Saul Shuller was on his deathbed when he admitted there was one positive to his impending demise.

From his obit: "Accepting that the end was near, the funny grandfather and great-grandfather said earlier in the day there was an upside to death: at least he wouldn't have to watch another Bengals loss."

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