Walk Off The Earth returns with a Madonna cover (and puppets)
(CBS News) I still remember like it was yesterday seeing this band above for the very first time perform a cover of Gotye together on a single guitar and blowing all of us here at The Feed away with their unique style. But time passes and things change... but not everything! Now, over a year later, while the single guitar playing is gone, the passion and epic music covers continue. Did someone out there say Madonna? (Probably not, but you can guess where this is going now.)
The fun rendition of "Material Girl" (with puppets!) was performed by Walk Off the Earth, who have been featured on The Feed a few times now since that aforementioned first one, and who are hoping for some tweet love for their original song "Red Hands" (which is excellent, by the way, and has also been featured here previously). My vote is for giving them the love that they desire, because they've been giving us all such great entertainment for a pretty long while now.
Oh, and because they have also just earned themselves a big triple-rainbow salute of musical tributes (and originals!) made totally fun from all of us here at The Feed! (So there's that, too.) And if you'd like to check out more great music from Walk Off The Earth, be sure to click here for our previous posts on them or you can click here to go to their website.