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Virginians sound off on Comstock-Wexton race

Wexton on GOP opponent Rep. Comstock
Jennifer Wexton weighs in on GOP opponent Rep. Barbara Comstock 09:22

Ahead of the November midterms, Democrats have an edge in Virginia's 10th Congressional District, according to the CBS News Battleground Tracker. But in a "Face the Nation" focus group, some voters say they aren't sold on either party's candidate. 

Democrat Jennifer Wexton is challenging incumbent GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock for her seat in Virginia's 10th.

Jackie Solomon, an independent voting for Comstock compared the candidates to choosing between "airplane food" and "hospital food."

"Neither one's going to kill you, but neither one's worth it," Solomon told "Face the Nation" moderator Margaret Brennan, who talked with five voters in the district-three lean Democratic, one identifies as Republican and one as independent. 

Voters weigh in on Comstock-Wexton race 04:39

Northern Virginia voter Iris Flores, a Republican, is also voting for Comstock come November.

"I usually cast my vote for, again, the person who I think is most likely to represent my values and my principles," she said. "I will vote for Comstock because I think it's the least-least of two evils."

For Winchester resident Ravyn Manuel, who leans Democratic and is backing Wexton, social issues are top of mind.

"I live in a rural county area that is all Donald Trump supporters. And it kind of scares me. It scares me being up there. There's not a lot of communities of color," said Manuel, who also leans Democratic. "I'm a people person...and social issues are very important for me."

Maria Buchbauer cares about social issues, but said Wexton's platform is more appealing.

"I don't think that Barbara Comstock has a great record, in my opinion. So, I'd like to see a change and give someone else an opportunity to make changes."

By the numbers

Wexton, who in a Monmouth University poll released in June bests Comstock 49 percent to 39 percent, attributes her lead to experience.

"I'm a former prosecutor from the heart of the district in Loudoun County, and I'm a state senator who, during my tenure in the [Virginia] Senate has passed over 40 bills. Every single one with bipartisan support, because I focus on issues that help kids and families," she told Brennan.

The poll also suggests the Trump Administration has been a drag on down-ballot races. In the Virginia 10th, voters disapprove of the president's job performance 54 percent to 42 percent.

Aggregate trends also indicate a party swing in the district. Comstock's margin of victory has eroded in recent years, according to Monmouth's June poll. She was first elected in 2014 with a 16 point margin, but it was cut to a six point margin in 2016.

Rep. Barbara Comstock did not accept our request for a Face the Nation interview.

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