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Vermont Rivers Fight A Case Of Rock Snot

Vermont is plotting its next step in the war against rock snot, an aquatic algae that has infiltrated three of its rivers.

Environmental scientist Leslie Matthews of the state Agency of Natural Resources' water quality division attended an international conference on the algae in Canada last month and said the state will likely continue its outreach efforts in hopes of stemming the spread.

"We were assured we were doing the best thing we could do," Matthews said. "We were responding as other parts of the country have done to the discovery of didymo."

Rock snot is the descriptive nickname for didymosphenia geminata, or didymo, an aggressive aquatic algae that was found this summer in the Connecticut, White and Batten Kill rivers in Vermont.

The algae, which has also become a nuisance in New Zealand and the Rocky Mountain states, has the potential to bloom into thick masses with long stalks, blanketing the bottoms of some streams, threatening aquatic insect populations and possibly fish. Matthews said that at this point, there has been no certain link proven between the presence of the didymo and the decline of a fish population.

The Rutland Herald Newspaper in Vermont reported that there are some rivers in Europe and Norway that have had the didymo algae for an estimated 100 to 150 years and still support thriving populations of fish. The algae is native to the northern European region and historically been found in found in colder, low nutrient streams.

One of the biggest worries the rock snot poses to Vermont is the negative effect it might have on the state's flourishing tourist industry. It's unlikely that many visitors will be anxious to swim in waters alongside a plant that is described by environmental agencies as "looking similar to a sewage spill in a waterbody, where wet toilet paper is streaming in the flow."

As Matthews told the Rutland Herald, "When it overtakes a body of water, it's just pretty unpleasant."

Mary Russ of the White River Partnership spoke to Adam Sullivan of CBS News affiliate WCAX-TV as she posted signs at a boat launch warning the public about the algae.

"There is no way to eradicate or kill didymo once it is in the river but you can stop it from spreading," Russ said, adding that, "anything that is absorbent, like fishing gear or sandals, or swim trunks can absorb it and you can transfer it if those things do not dry out."

Fishermen, boaters and anyone else using the rivers are being advised to remove all visible clumps from their gear, clothing, shoes and boats and to scrub boats and soak clothes, felt-soled waders and other items in hot water and soap for 30 minutes.

Vermont and New Hampshire officials are asking anyone who sees the invasive species in a waterway to take a sample and send it to state water quality agencies.

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