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Venezuela's Chavez expects chemo or radiation

CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Wednesday that he expects to undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatment once he recovers from his cancer surgery.

Chavez said he is now starting a second phase of treatment and expects a third phase "that could be a bit hard, which is to try to armor the body against" against cancer cells.

"It would most likely require the use of methods that are known ... depending on the evolution and these follow-up diagnoses, but it could be radiation therapy or chemotherapy," Chavez told state television in a phone call.

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Chavez said such treatment would be to "attack hard, with cavalry, any possibility, anything latent that might be there." He did not say how soon such treatment might begin.

Chavez has said he underwent surgery in Cuba on June 20 to remove a cancerous tumor from his pelvic region. He hasn't said what type of cancer is involved.

Wednesday's statement was the first time he has referred to expecting to undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatment, and he also provided some additional details about the surgery in Cuba.

He said it was a major operation that lasted about six hours and removed a tumor as big as "a ball." He said the tumor was "encapsulated."

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Since his return to Caracas on July 4, the 56-year-old president has slowed his normally heavy agenda and has limited the length of his televised speeches, saying he is under strict orders from his doctors.

Chavez said Wednesday that he is recovering well, and suggested some of his foes hope he does not.

"I have cancer, but not in the way some would want," Chavez said.

The president attended Mass on Tuesday night, joining friends and aides in praying for his recovery.

Chavez, who is up for re-election in late 2012, has been actively posting messages on Twitter and has appeared on television in the past several days addressing troops, doing stretching exercises with aides and leading a Cabinet meeting.

Chavez, a former army paratroop commander, said his rehabilitation regime has required discipline, including waking up at 5 a.m. That is a significant change for a president who used to speak regularly late into the night while drinking cup after cup of coffee.

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