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Van der Sloot to claim temporary insanity in Stephany Flores murder

Joran van der Sloot Update: Lawyer Demands Release Of Accused Murderer
Joran van der Sloot (CBS/AP)

(CBS/AP) LIMA, Peru - Joran van der Sloot plans to plead guilty in the murder of Stephany Flores, the young Peruvian woman he met gambling. But the man who is also the prime suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway will argue temporary insanity in a bid to significantly shorten his sentence, his defense lawyer said Monday.

PICTURES: Joran van der Sloot: Natalee Holloway and Peru

The Dutchman will use a "violent emotion" defense in the slaying of Flores, attorney Maximo Altez told The Associated Press.

Altez said he filed papers three weeks ago informing prosecutors of his intent to argue that van der Sloot became enraged and killed the 21-year-old Peruvian business student last May 30 because she had learned of his relation to Holloway by looking in his laptop.

The 23-year-old Dutchman is accused of first-degree murder, which carries a 15- to 35-year sentence on conviction.

The "violent emotion" plea is typically used in Peru for crimes of passion where a spouse, for example, is surprised in the act of adultery.

If it were to be accepted by a trial judge, van der Sloot would be sentenced to 3 to 5 years, and Altez said his client could be freed in 20 months.

The lawyer for the victim's family called the proposed plea absurd, saying that given all the factors of the case, Van der Sloot deserved to spend a minimum of 25 years in prison.

"The manner in which the suspect killed Stephany evidenced disproportionate violence," attorney Edward Alvarez said.

Holloway disappeared on a 2005 trip to Aruba with classmates from Mountain Brook High School in Alabama. She was last seen leaving a nightclub with van der Sloot. He was questioned several times by Aruban authorities, but never charged in her disappearance.

Flores' body was found in van der Sloot's hotel room five years to the day of Natalee's disappearance.


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