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U.S. Hands Over Stolen Degas Painting to France

WASHINGTON - The United States has returned to French authorities an Edgar Degas painting that was stolen 37 years ago.

On Friday, the painting was handed over to the acting French ambassador to the United States, Francois Rivasseau.

It was recently rediscovered before it was due to be auctioned in New York City. Court papers said the seller did not know it was stolen.

Authorities said Degas painted "Laundry Woman with Toothache," in the early 1870s. A collector donated it to the French government and it was registered with the Louvre Museum.

In 1961, the Louvre lent the painting to the Malraux Museum in Normandy. In late 1973, a still-unknown thief pulled it off the museum wall and slipped away.

Sotheby's had given the small oil portrait of a young woman holding her jaw an estimated value of $350,000 to $450,000.

Earlier this year, Sotheby's featured the painting in the catalog for a sale of impressionist art. A Malraux employee spotted the listing and notified Sotheby's, which immediately pulled it from the auction.

Stenciled on the back of the canvas but hidden by the frame was "RF 1953-8" — shorthand for it being the eighth work of art acquired by the French Republic in 1953.

Sotheby's officials said that before the auction, Sotheby's had checked to see if the piece was listed on the London-based Art Loss Register — which tracks stolen, looted or missing art — and similar databases. But they said they didn't find it listed.

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