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Two Miami-Dade Police Officers in Warrant Shootout Die

Second Miami-Dade Police Officer in Warrant Shootout Dies
Aerial of shooting scene (WFOR)

MIAMI (CBS/WFOR) A second injured Miami-Dade police officer died this afternoon of her injuries, hours after a colleague was shot and killed during an attempt to serve a homicide warrant in Miami as part of a multi-agency task force. One suspect was shot dead, and a spokesperson for the US Marshal's office said police are not looking for other suspects.

PICTURES: Fallen Heroes

The violent incident happened around 11 a.m. in the city of Miami. Officers from the task force were trying to serve a warrant, according to Perez, when shooting broke out.

A witness told  CBS affiliate WFOR that they heard a a single shot and then a volley of shots. From WFOR's news chopper, two people were seen placed into Miami Fire-Rescue ambulances and taken to Jackson Memorial hospital.

Commander Perez tearfully confirmed, "We've lost one," referring to the officer killed on the scene. Police have not yet identified that officer or the officer who later died of her injuries. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez said she worked in the warrants bureau.

"It is my sad news to report that she has since expired in the operating room, " Det. Rosanna Cordero-Stutz told reporters gathered outside Jackson Memorial Hospital, shortly after 1 p.m. Cordero-Stutz also confirmed that a third Miami-Dade officer was injured in the shooting, but suffered only minor wounds.

Police have not identified the dead suspect, but did confirm he was a "very violent fugitive."

Police cordoned off the area and briefly shut down traffic on I-95. Officers from numerous departments are on the scene. A car in the intersection has been surrounded with crime scene tape.

Barry Golden, spokesperson for the US Marshals Service, said the officers were serving a Miami-Dade warrant as part of the task force.

"They had more than two officers here," said Golden. "I can't give you numbers but they had plenty of officers here for safety. It's very unfortunate."

"Detectives that responded to this are attached to, they are full time members of the U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force. We work in conjunction [with Miami-Dade Police Department]."

Two schools in the area of the incident were placed on lockdown shortly after the shooting. Students at Jesse McCrarry/Little River elementary school and Thena Crowder elementary school were restricted to their classrooms. Those lockdowns were lifted shortly after 12 p.m.

The area where the officers were serving the warrant is known for a high level of violent crime.

"This is a very volatile area," Golden said. "There are a lot of shootings in this area now you realize how dangerous this job can be. Tracking down fugitives, subjects who know they're wanted who are always armed, there are a lot of shootings and guns in this area and so you see how dangerous it is. Now only innocent people getting hurt but law enforcement officers who are equipped and prepared for that."

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