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Two incredible ski jumps (for the price of viewing one blog post)

(CBS News) We're having a special today on ski jumps: for the price of viewing this one post, you get two incredible and very different feats! We start off with a singular experience in the form of the first-person perspective video above that first shows the high-flying moment from the front and then the back at 42 seconds (sadly, not side-to-side). I'd recommend watching in high-definition (and possibly with a fan blowing on your face) to vicariously experience it for yourself.

The skier in question is Jurij Tepes, who had the adrenaline-rush feat of jumping 223 meters (or just over 730 feet) captured on his helmet camera during the FIS Ski World Cup in Planica, Slovenia.  I personally preferred the shot from the back the best of the two, but how about you? Feel free to leave me some comment love below with your thoughts on the caught-on-tape moment.

And what's that you say? I promised two ski jumps for the price of viewing one post? That really doesn't sound like me... Look, I'm not sure I can afford to do that with the economy the way it is right now. I mean, you're driving a really hard bargain with your viral video haggling ways... oh, fine! You win (this round!). Where we started singular, let's shift to a group. Specifically, five Norwegian skiers with Berkutschi Ski Jumping, in the air simultaneously at Holmenkollen Hill in Oslo, Norway.

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