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Two Cities, Two Shooting Rampages

Tragedy struck twice Monday, in unrelated but horrifying shooting sprees in two cities thousands of miles apart.

In Salt Lake City, the Trolley Square Mall was shot up by a gunman, apparently at random. Police say they shot the gunman, but not before he had killed five people and injured numerous others.

The gunman died of his injuries, and over three hours later, police were searching stores for shocked shoppers and employees who were hunkered down awaiting a safe escort from the mall.

In Philadelphia, violence broke out in an office building in the old Philadelphia Navy Yard – with a man killing three people and critically wounding another before killing himself, according to police.

The shooting took place at 8:30 p.m. in a conference room at the Philadelphia Naval Business Center. Ross describes the scene in the conference room as "utter chaos."

Deputy Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross says the gunman, who may have been an investor, apparently became upset during a board meeting and got into an argument over "some issue about money."

Authorities say after the gunman shot the men in the conference room and duct-taped the two others, he shot at police, who returned fire. Police say he then went behind a door and shot himself.

One of the duct-taped men informed police that the gunman had shot himself.

"This is a tragic situation," said Ross, "one you never hope will hit Philadelphia."

In Salt Lake, police are talking to numerous witnesses over a large area as they try to sort out what happened at the Trolley Square Mall, a two-story former trolley barn, with a series of winding hallways and about 80 stores.

Initial reports say a man walked into the mall Monday night and opened fire.

Antique store owner Barrett Dodds says he saw a man in a trench coat exchanging gunfire with a police officer outside a card store. The gunman, says Dodds, was backed into a children's clothing store.

"I saw the cops go in the store. I saw the shooter go down," says Dodds, who watched from the second floor.

Barb McKeown of Washington, D.C., was in another antique shop when two frantic women ran in and reported gunshots.

"Then we heard shot after shot after shot - loud, loud, loud," said McKeown, saying she heard about 20. She and three other people hid under a staircase until it was safe to leave.

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