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Jack Dorsey: The importance of tweeting Mom

Twitter creator: The importance of tweeting Mom 05:23

When Jack Dorsey dreamt up the social media networking company Twitter, what he never anticipated is how much it would change the relationships in his own family.

"Jack Dorsey is very close to his mom," says Lara Logan, who interviewed Dorsey for the 60 Minutes broadcast this week. "You might not think this is a guy who the first thing he does when he gets up in the morning is to tweet his mom." But he apparently does. And often, Dorsey's tweets to his family members simply describe the mundane details of his daily routine.

"I am someone who tweets about what I have for breakfast, what I have for lunch, what I have for dinner," Dorsey told Logan. "And for 99.99999 percent of the world, it's useless. It's meaningless. But for my mother, she loves it."

Dorsey says that tweeting about the minor details of life allows for a deeper interaction in person because the basic Who, What, and Where of daily life has already been communicated via Twitter. "We could blow past all those and really get into the meaningful stuff [in person]," says Dorsey.

"It showed a side of my parents and my mother and my brothers that I had not seen before-- it feels like it's bringing the family together more, even though they're still in St. Louis and I'm in San Francisco," Dorsey told Logan. "I always know how they're waking up. I always know how they're falling asleep. I always know what matters to them because they're tweeting about it."

For Logan, the "Twitter effect" on family relationships was a revelation. "I suddenly imagined myself as a mother and thought, my God. If my kid's away in college or living somewhere far away from me and I can't see them, I probably would wanna know every morning that they were OK. I get it now. I get what Twitter means to him and his family and, you know, obviously to millions of other people."

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