Twin babies dancing to dad's guitar is the cutest thing you'll see all day
(CBS News) Remember how on the last post I told you to stop what you were doing and check out our post about the four-armed, mohawked, drum-playing robot? Good times, good times. I think we can all agree that my request was totally called for. Well, prepare for a case of deja vu, because you need to stop what you're doing this instant and watch the above video of twin babies dancing to their dad's guitar playing. And prepare for a case of adorable overload.
So did I call it? Are you watching the total adorable overload video over and over again just like your blogger here did? The way-too-cute, caught-on-tape moment of the two 11-month-old, identical twins dancing was posted by YouTube user Brovadere who writes:
My identical twin girls get so excited whenever I play the guitar!
With that in mind we have only one thing to say: Keep playing the guitar, please! And make sure to videotape your twins every time you do! This video has without a doubt just earned itself a triple-rainbow salute of adorable from all of us here at The Feed. And to check out more videos by Brovadere, you can go to his YouTube page by clicking here.