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Toddler breaches White House grounds

Secret Service got quite a scare at the White House Thursday after a toddler squeezed through the bars of a gate
Toddler squeezes through White House fence in security breach 00:40

WASHINGTON -- It's usually someone jumping over the White House fence that causes Secret Service agents patrolling the grounds to scramble.

But on Thursday night, a toddler slipping through slats in the gate caught the eyes of the gun-toting officers who are charged with protecting the president.

Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan said the child was returned to his parents. Neither the boy nor his parents were identified.

"We were going to wait until he learned to talk to question him," joked Donovan in a statement, "but in lieu of that he got a timeout and was sent on way with parents.

It turned out to be somewhat of a challenging day for the Secret Service. Earlier Thursday, Obama's motorcade came to a rare slow crawl and then a complete stop along a major interstate as he traveled to and from Fort Belvoir in northern Virginia to sign a veterans' health care bill.

Donovan said mechanical issues with vehicles in the motorcade caused both stops.

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