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Today in Trump: April 5, 2017

Trump's Syria strategy
What is President Trump's Syria strategy? 06:05

Today in the Trump Administration News


President  Trump meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan to talk about Middle East peace.

Trump says he’s changing his attitude on Syria, Assad 

President Trump said in a joint news conference with Jordanian King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein Wednesday his approach to Syria and Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is changing, especially in the wake of the “unacceptable” suspected chemical attacks that killed dozens Tuesday.  

Steve Bannon out of National Security Council role

Top White House adviser Steve Bannon’s position has been removed from the National Security Council’s Principals Committee, a group of the president’s top national security officials that considers policy issues affecting national security, according to a White House memo published in the Federal Register Tuesday.  

Ivanka Trump interview: “I manage any conflict” that arises with Trump International Hotel

Ivanka Trump told “CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King in an exclusive interview Wednesday that she manages “any conflict” of interest that arises concerning Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.   

Trump says Susan Rice may have committed a crime, but he cited no evidence

President Trump says that President Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice may have committed a crime by unmasking names of Trump associates in U.S. intelligence reports collected by intelligence agencies.  

House Republicans are still split on health care after meeting with Mike Pence

 The Trump administration and Republican lawmakers plan to continue their uphill effort to exhume the House GOP’s health care bill, but remain adrift and divided over how to reshape it to attract enough votes to muscle it through the chamber.  

House Democrats petition for Trump’s tax returns

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, joined by other members of the House Democratic caucus, announced a discharge petition requiring the release of President Trump’s tax returns.

Gorsuch protest

Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley, of Oregon has taken over the floor and has been speaking for hours to protest Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to be Supreme Court justice.

Border wall

DHS Secretary John Kelly testifies about border wall before Sen. Homeland Security Committee, 9:30 a.m.

Ivanka Trump interview: Don’t “conflate lack of public denouncement with silence”

Ivanka Trump sat down with Gayle King Tuesday afternoon in Washington for her first interview since being named assistant to the president.

Recent Trump Administration News:

Susan Rice on unmasking

The former national security adviser says she leaked “nothing to nobody. Never had, never would,” she told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

Ivanka Trump interview: Don’t “conflate lack of public denouncement with silence”

Ivanka Trump sat down with Gayle King Tuesday afternoon in Washington for her first interview since being named assistant to the president. 

Anti-Trump “Resistance School” starts at Harvard

Harvard University is now home to an anti-Trump “Resistance School.”

The school is a free four-week course in progressive activism created by students at the Kennedy School of Government, CNN reports, and students can enroll either in person or online from anywhere in the world. 

Senate heads for “nuclear” showdown over Neil Gorsuch nomination

Republican and Democratic senators exchanged bitter accusations Tuesday as they headed toward an explosive confrontation over President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee that could change the Senate, and the court, for generations.

Trump administration to China on North Korea: “The clock has run out”

Mr. Trump is expected to press Xi on taking a tougher approach to address the North Korean nuclear problem by applying financial pressure on China’s unpredictable neighbor, according to a senior White House official. 

White House points finger at Obama administration for Syrian chemical attack

In the wake of the Assad regime’s chemical attack in Syria, the White House is partially assigning blame for the apparent war crime to the previous administration’s policies. 

Eric Trump says nepotism is “kind of a factor of life”

Eric Trump credits nepotism for the fact he and his siblings sit atop their father’s real estate empire and, for his sister and her husband, within the walls of his White House. But he maintains it’s not the only reason they are where they are.

President Trump’s infrastructure plans: off the charts

To show CEOs what he meant, the president invited National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn to the stage, where he unfurled a long, colorful flow chart representing the process required for a state government to obtain the federal permits necessary to build a highway -- not including the steps specific to individual state regulations.


President Trump hosts CEO town hall on business climate, 10:45 a.m.; Mr. Trump addresses North America’s Building Trades Unions, 12:10 p.m.

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