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Tiger's ex-caddie admits reaction "over the top"

Adam Scott, right, is congratulated by caddie Steve Williams after winning the Bridgestone Invitational golf tournament at Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio, Sunday, Aug. 7, 2011. AP Photo/Amy Sancetta

When the World Golf Championship at Firestone was over on Sunday, most of the headlines were not about the winner (Adam Scott) but his caddie: Steve Williams.

That's because Williams -- Tiger Woods' former bag man - took extra pleasure in Scott's victory, calling it "the best win I've ever had" (despite being by Woods' side for 13 major titles) and making it abundantly clear he felt his ex-boss had treated him unjustly.

Williams took some heat for his gloating and on Monday he issued a "bit" of a mea culpa.

Steve Williams victory dance draws mixed reaction

"Looking back on it, I was a bit over the top," he told from Atlanta, where he and Scott were getting ready for the PGA Championship.

"I had a lot of anger in me about what happened (with Woods) and it all came out."

Given the acrimony between Williams and his former employer, it's unclear whether this is a genuine apology or just an effort to move forward. Williams felt justifiably vindicated by Scott's win but he is still a caddie and should not be taking away from the man who won the actual tournament.

"I said what I said but I'm not going to say any more about Tiger," Williams added Monday.

Let's hope so. This "wounded tiger vs. catty caddie" drama needs to end.

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