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This Morning from CBS News, Jan. 28, 2016

Caucus confusion?

In four days, Iowans will participate in the first official contest of the 2016 presidential election. But the Iowa caucuses are far from a traditional primary. The Republican and Democratic parties describe the process as a gathering of members to pick their nominee, but how does it actually work? We'll tell you.

Debate bait

Ted Cruz has renewed his proposal to debate Donald Trump one-on-one after the billionaire candidate announced he'd skip Thursday's GOP face-off because he objects to moderator Megyn Kelly. Cruz, however, did little rhetorically to make the offer appealing to the front-runner.

Breaking the silence

When Michael Singer was first diagnosed with breast cancer, he didn't want anyone to know -- he couldn't even bring himself to say the words. Now, the Harley-riding Bronx native has become an outspoken advocate for male breast cancer awareness.

Defining moment

It became one of the most iconic live breaking news events in television history. Thousands watched as Space Shuttle Challenger exploded just moments after launch. "You had all of these children in school watching this moment live," one analyst explains. "It was a very defining moment."

Small business, big ad

If you can afford to spend $5 million for a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl, you're probably not a small business owner. This year, however, Intuit Quickbooks sought submissions from small businesses for the chance to get big business exposure, and one lucky New York company could now cash-in.

Barbie's makeover

Barbie dolls led the toy industry as a billion-dollar business, but in recent years, growing competition and perception problems have hurt sales. Now, in a story you'll see first on "CBS This Morning," toy maker Mattel is announcing some major changes to blue-eyed blonde bombshell's look.

College cash

American colleges and universities received a record $40 billion in charitable contributions last year. Predictably, one group of schools scooped up the lion's share of endowment money.

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