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This Morning from CBS News, Jan. 26, 2016

Fertile ground

Geraldine Henneghien believes Islamic extremists first recruited her son, who died on the battleground in Syria, outside a mosque in their neighborhood in Brussels. The predominately Muslim community has become the ground zero of terror in Europe. We ask Henneghien -- and local officials -- why?

Survivor's story

Helen Jane Wilson's dear friend Nick Alexander died in her arms at the Bataclan theater, during the chaos that unfolded as ISIS gunmen opened fire. She survived her own injuries, but she can't escape the horror she witnessed that night. She will not, however, let it destroy her will to "see love."


The federal government is shut down for the second day in a row as D.C. struggles to clean up after the blizzard of '16. The death toll from the winter blast has risen, and its impact on schools and transport is still being felt acutely across a vast swathe of the Mid-Atlantic, and right up to the Big Apple.


In a dramatic new warning about the danger posed by a southern California jailbreak, an Orange County prosecutor has said of one of the escapees; "They let Hannibal Lecter out." Authorities say the three men could be hiding somewhere near the prison and are to be considered armed and dangerous.

Courting women

With just days left to win over Iowa Democrats before the caucuses, Bernie Sanders argued that there are few politicians in Washington with a record as strong as his on the issue of women's rights. He also highlighted differences with his closest rival -- who happens to be a woman.

Trust appeal

Facing some Iowa caucus-goers who aren't sure they can believe what she says, Hillary Clinton was forced to confronted some of the more brutal concerns about her candidacy on Monday: that she's dishonest, not authentic enough, and that she's divisive.

Remembering Challenger

It was 30 years ago this week that the Challenger disaster cast a tragic shadow over the American space program. Looking back now, the commander's widow says she has made peace with history and no longer feels anger at NASA for its fatal missteps.

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