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This Morning from CBS News, Jan. 22, 2016

Jailed in North Korea

With tensions between Washington and Pyongyang as high as ever and war rhetoric the norm, North Korea has announced that it arrested a young American college student from Ohio, who the regime accuses of "perpetrating a hostile act."

Pop politics

An impressive list of pop-culture A-listers are doing their bit to boost Hillary Clinton's standing in Iowa, appearing with her at campaign events and even holding their own events to get her message out. Some, like pop-star Demi Lovato, hold a lot of appeal with the young voters who helped win the state for President Obama. But this election year, many of those voters seem to prefer her rival.

Mother's grief

In our CBSN Originals documentary, "Molenbeek: Terror Recruiting Ground," we meet the mother of a young man from Brussels named Anis, who was recruited at the age of 18, over the course of just four months, and ended up dying on the battlefield with ISIS.

Truth teller

Naji Jerf was shot dead in broad daylight on a busy street in southern Turkey, near the Syrian border. Jerf knew he was a target, like all the other members of a group working to show the world what life is really like in ISIS' so-called capital city. He was determined to tell the truth in spite of the risks, and he paid the ultimate price.

Protect yourself

Whether you love a visit from old man winter or hate the guy, knowing how to stay safe in cold, stormy weather takes some common sense -- and preparation. We look at some top cold-weather health hazards you'll want to avoid, and tips on how to manage if you do find yourself, or someone nearby, in danger.

Protect your home

For homeowners, winter storms bring their own special hazards, making it critical to have the right insurance. As a major blizzard bears down on the East Coast, we look at what kind of coverage you need to ensure your property is protected.


Christian Mares triggered an avalanche last week while snowboarding with friends at the Sugar Bowl Resort, a popular ski destination northwest of Lake Tahoe. Now he's speaking out about the scary experience -- and the possibility he could face criminal charges

America's finest

Former Green Beret Nate Boyer, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, used his downtime teaching himself how to play football. It paid off; he got a rookie free-agent contract with the Seattle Seahawks, but he was cut from the team before the regular season. Now, the veteran is setting his sights much higher.

In Cuba

Showtime's "House of Lies" is making history in Cuba as the first scripted U.S. program to shoot on the island since the Cuban embargo began more than 50 years ago. With travel restrictions easing and the U.S. Embassy reopened, CBS News went to see how Hollywood is helping to improve relations.

Arctic impact

As Arctic sea ice melts, researchers say some whales and seabirds are crossing into territory where their species have never been found before, raising many questions about the long-term impact on the ecosystem.

More top news:


Massive blizzard could be one for the record books

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Kerry: Some Iran sanctions relief could help terrorists


John McCain won't endorse candidate in GOP primary

Rand Paul to campaign in Iowa with father

Clinton tries to turn establishment label on Sanders


5 things that get snapped up in "blizzard buying"

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Science and Tech

Pacific Northwest in fear of massive earthquake, tsunami

Algae bloom toxin linked to Alzheimer's, other diseases


Experts warn Zika virus likely to spread to southern U.S.

100-year-old piano player credits music, martinis for long life


Sundance promises films on race, sexuality and violence

Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth reportedly "engaged again"

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