"The X-Files" upcoming mini-series will revive The Lone Gunmen
In the upcoming mini-series revival of "The X-Files," three short-lived yet favorite characters will return to the science fiction drama show.
The Lone Gunmen, played by Tom Braidwood, Dean Haglund and Bruce Harwood, will reprise their roles in the six-episode limited series.
The trio was killed off in season 9 of "The X-Files" and then featured in a less popular 2001 spinoff series. They will return to "The X Files" alongside newcomers including Kumail Nanjiani from HBO's "Silicon Valley" and Robbie Amell from The CW's "The Flash."
Haglund confirmed their upcoming return via Twitter, sparking excitement from hundreds of fans who favorited and re-tweeted the news.
Previous "X-Files" stars joining them include Mitch Pileggi, Gillian Anderson, William B. Davis and David Duchovny.
The six-episode revival will air on Fox starting Jan. 24, 2016.