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The Wedding Planner: Don't bet against Will and Kate

Prince William and Kate Middleton at Darwen Aldridge Community Academy in Darwen, England, April 11, 2011. AP

(CBS) CBS News royals contributor Victoria Arbiter, reporting from London, will be giving readers daily updates on plans for the April 29 royal wedding.

There's been a lot of talk of divorce and pre-nups over the last few days. I find it remarkable that Will and Kate haven't even gone up the aisle and we're already wondering how to divvy up his vast fortune should they split. While there have been a long line of disastrous royal marriages, it doesn't mean that the latest newlyweds are destined for the same fate.

Pictures: Prince William and Kate Middleton
Special section: The royal wedding

It's atrocious to think that while they're finalizing hymn selections and bridesmaid dresses, bets are being placed on how long they'll last. Some have been charitable enough to give them 10 years while others have said it will all go pear-shaped long before that. No one seems to be saying that it might actually last a lifetime - hopefully theirs.

Perhaps I'm too much of a romantic but I believe these two are forever. Not only have they been dating longer than Britney Spears' two marriages, but they've also lived together and so have experienced each other's bad habits and weird foibles. They've split up, reunited, endured embarrassing family revelations and dealt with cruel comments over Kate's family and working class heritage, but they still seem as happy and doo-lally in each other's company as ever.

William was mortified by all that his parents went through, especially in such a public arena, and he has said that divorce is simply not an option. Not only would it be devastating for him, but he is well aware that the future of the monarchy rests on this marriage - so no pressure then!

Part of the reason the couple waited so long to make their union official was to be sure that it was right, that not only would they make it, but that they would be happy. It's naïve to think that every day is going to be spit-spot perfect, but let's at least give them a chance.

The Church of England has gone so far as to publish a prayer asking for God's help in keeping William and Kate faithful to each other. According to a church spokesman, it simply reflects the views of any couple getting married.

So if you are giving our new royal couple a thought this week perhaps you'd consider a word with the Lord as opposed to a bookie. I guarantee it'll be a way better pay off in the long run.

The new Church of England prayer reads:

God of all grace,
friend and companion,
look in favor on William and Catherine
and all who are made one in marriage.
In your love deepen their love
and strengthen their wills
to keep the promises they will make,
that they may continue
in life-long faithfulness to each other; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Until next time, royalphiles, keep calm and carry on.

Read more by the Wedding Planner:

A resurgent royal family
Hope for sunny skies
Exploring Buckingham Palace

Keep up with Victoria Arbiter on Twitter.

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