"The Social Network" Review: Like or Unlike, That is the Question
LOS ANGELES (CBS) Lets face it, "The Social Network" is a good movie. Actually, it might even be in the Oscar winning category of good movies.
The much awaited film is captivating, entertaining, doesn't lag - and just like the revolutionary site - keeps you wanting more.
I almost didn't want to like it. I have a ton of friends who work at Facebook, and I didn't want to get involved in the drama of a film that was made without Mark Zuckerberg and the team's consent.
In the end though, I had to see it. Not only because it's my job to cover stories shaping our culture today specifically online, but because everyone is talking about it.
The inherent problem I had is that while insiders might know this film, based on Ben Mezrich's book "The Accidental Billionaires," isn't based on fact, a regular mainstream audience will not.
As you dive more and more into the fascinating world of the youngest billionaire in the world, it's hard not to believe there's some truth in each moment. That's the problem. While they say in the credits "based on the book," ultimately the film leaves a whole door open for another story - the real one - to be told. Speaking of the truth, here's an informative post including "The 10 Most Glaring Lies in 'The Social Network" from The Business Insider.
The tech community has also had mixed feelings about screenwriter Aaron Sorkin's take on the space.
How could Sorkin, who has been quoted as saying he could live with or without the Internet and doesn't have a Facebook account, tell the story of one of the web's biggest social platforms?
Is his painting of Zuckerberg and his cohort, Napster founder Sean Parker, just an old Hollywood low blow to the rock stars of new media?
In the end, while both are given a negative spin - one an antisocial backstabbing genius, the other a coked out sexed up savant - you still leave the film drawn by the fictionalized visions of both. That's probably the one thing that remains true both in reality and the film - Zuckerberg is a brilliant visionary.
Whether you like or don't like how he got there, you can't help but leave inspired even, with a fascination and respect for his unbridled vision that has ingrained itself into our identities, culture and lifestyle.
My opinion is that this is a film worth seeing on the big screen. Also, my guess is that at least a few of the over 500 million will be buzzing about it, and you might just want to make that educated response when commenting on your friends status updates soon.
The film hits theaters nationwide today.
Here are some other great reviews to check out:
"The Antisocial Movie" by Jeff Jarvis"Facebook Movie Gets Overwhelmingly Positive Reviews, But Will People Go See It?" by Alexia Tsotsis
"Why Zuckerberg Should Like The Facebook Movie" by Pete Cashmore
The Social Network Review by Roger Ebert
The Rollings Stones "The Social Network" Review by Peter Travers