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The Mysterious Timeline Leading to Death at Medicis CEO's House

The San Diego Medical Examiner's office was scheduled to perform an autopsy on the body of the girlfriend of Medicis (MRX) CEO Jonah Shacknai on Thursday; its findings have not been released. The sheriff's department said there were no updates scheduled in the investigation through the weekend, leaving the mystery of what happened to 32-year-old Rebecca M. Nalepa on July 13 swirling.

The timeline surrounding the death, as reported by the media, is bizarre:

UPDATE: Medicis CEO's Spouse Abuse Records Don't Explain Timeline in Deaths at His House
Three questions jump out: Why would anyone hold a party if Shacknai's son was seriously injured the day before? Was Nalepa tied in such a way that would rule out suicide? And why would Nalepa want to board her dog when the hospital is only a 19-minute drive away (see map)?


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