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The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency

Janice is back and better than ever!

I personally love Janice. She's outrageous, outspoken and a freaking supermodel — what's not to love about her and the second season of her show on Oxygen? I will be glued to this every week and will fill you in on all the juicy details.

Janice is back after a summer "vacation" to get back to running her new agency. The models seemed to have formed a bond of hatred toward Janice's business partner, Peter, over the summer.

Some of the models think he plays favorites and barely called any of them for castings over the summer vacation. On a positive note, Natalie and Stina (who is my fave model) have been booking a lot of high ends jobs, along with a few other models.

After a group meeting between Janice and the models, a few of them pull her aside to talk one on one, and you know that can't be good. Paul drops the bomb that he doesn't want to be a model and never really did (um, did he not get the memo on being part of an agency AND a reality show about it?). He wants out of the contract, but Peter (of course) says no way. Timika drops a bigger bomb — or will be dropping a bigger bomb in nine months — that she is pregnant! Wow what a start to the season already.

Peter decides that they need more models, and by models, Peter means hot Maxim chicks with big boobs, so he brings in a bunch of new models that Janice hates and thinks they all are sluts.

After some bickering, Janice invites two of Peter's girls to go to a casting for Alan De Rosario for his fashion show during L.A. fashion week. Immediately, the old models are intimidated and annoyed that there are new girls already, and Alan decides to cast one of Peter's new girls in the show (he cast a couple of the other models, too, like Nyabel, Stina, Crystal)!

Oh the drama.

Open call time, because there is nothing that makes better TV than Janice telling 3,000 model hopefuls they are to fat and can never model — love it!

They do get a handful of models that were asked to come back, including fellow "Survivor" alum cast member J.P. from the most recent season. He rocks it in some tightie whities and gets a call back. Cross-over reality TV casting is starting to get weird.

Alan De Rosario's L.A. fashion week show is the first big show Janice's models have ever been in so Janice is serious and the models look nervous. But, the kicker is that Peter's new girl Erin never showed up, and the designer is pissed. Peter tries to say he e-mailed about three times to say she wasn't coming because she was on a shoot. The designer wasn't really buying that excuse, but the show must go on!

Janice says Crystal was a disappointment but I think she did great. I do agree with Janice when she said Nyabel stole the show. She worked that runway and it was great.

This is going to be a great season of this show, I can feel it. Janice never lets you down.

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