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The Floods, From Above

Close-up images abound in the media of the devastating impact of the Midwest floods of 2008.

But sometimes a step back -- or up -- is needed to get a better feel for the full extent of a situation.

And Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith boarded a helicopter to give viewers just that -- a panoramic look from overhead at the floodwaters below covering parts of Missouri and Illinois along the Mississippi River.

Smith also spoke with the head of a mammoth levee district, and a small-town mayor, about efforts to keep the mighty Mississippi at bay.

For a look at one such tour, click on the arrow in the image below:

For another Smith tour, click on the arrow in the video below:

Smith got an update from the superintendent of the largest levee district in the nation, the one operating the Sny Levee:

And Smith spoke with the mayor of Clarksville, Mo. about what CBS News correspondent Cynthia Bowers referred to as "Hand-t-hand" combat being waged against the Mississippi:

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