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The Early Show Jobs Summit

The Early Show invited me on this morning to kick off a great show, devoted to the issue of jobs--kind of like an Early Show Jobs Summit.

We ran a little short on the segment, but in a nutshell, here's advice If you're underemployed, like approximately 6.8% of the nation's workers:

  • Get a second job and don't worry about the stigma. Consider plant/house sitting, dog walking
  • Allocate time for your job search and brush up on these job interview tips
  • Keep current with your industry or sector
If you're lucky enough to have a job, focus on keeping it--there are new rules for job security:
  • Don't hide at the office - know your boss's priorities and be sure you're doing work he/she thinks is important. Keep an ear to the ground so you know about any changes coming to the company
  • Network within the company and out, with an eye towards enriching your career and finding people who can help you out, if necessary
  • Squeeze money out of your benefits
If you're unemployed, here's a COBRA update:
  • On Sunday, February 28th, the COBRA premium subsidy eligibility period ends (went into effect as of September 1, 2008 through February 28, 2010)
  • Subsidy was for 65% of COBRA premium
  • If you haven't filed for COBRA yet, you are still eligible ex post - 28 FEB
  • The current jobs bill, being held up in the Senate, has a provision to extend the COBRA premium subsidy for 10 more months
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