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The decade in review: Washington, city of confrontation and disruption

The 2010s: The news from Washington
The 2010s: The news from Washington 02:42

President Donald Trump impeached – that's a mouthful all by itself, capping ten years of political turbulence, notes CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett.

The throughline? Even after a recovery for the record books, the fallout of the Great Recession has left Americans questioning their economic security and government's place in their lives. President Obama's signature achievement: the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, provided health care to millions. But it also gave rise to the Tea Party. A conservative backlash to Mr. Obama took down the first female House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.

Although Mr. Obama finally brought 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden to justice, he soon faced the lowest low of his presidency: the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, in Newtown, Conn., which left 20 children and six educators dead.

"The majority of those who died today were children," a tearful President Obama said. "Beautiful little kids between the ages of five and ten years old."

Calls for gun control failed, and three years later, a white gunman prayed with nine black parishioners in Charleston, S.C., then shot them dead.

Grief yielded to anguish, to song:

Obama sings "Amazing Grace" 01:06

Protests led to the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, that provided a background for a presidential election. The 2016 campaign was like no other in modern history. Loud, angry, divisive, and in its wake, wave after wave of disruption.

Donald Trump blistered the airwaves and social media, knocking over experienced Republican rivals like bowling pins … and then:

"When you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything," Trump was heard saying on a hot mic, as he talked about women to "Access Hollywood" reporter Billy Bush. "Whatever you want. Grab 'em by the p***y."

And yet, came victory.

President Trump has been every bit as divisive as Candidate Trump. His response to the investigation into Russia's election interference? Fire the FBI director, James Comey.

Although Mr. Trump delivered a massive tax cut, two Supreme Court Justices, and dozens of federal judges, last year an unsettled electorate handed the House back to the Democrats, and the Speaker's gavel back to Nancy Pelosi. Despite her misgivings, the Ukraine scandal drove Pelosi to seek the president's removal. 

When asked by a reporter if he were worried that impeachment would stain his legacy, Mr. Trump replied, "Not at all. It's a hoax."

President Trump's legacy? A re-election answer looms in the first year of our new decade.

Story produced by Arden Farhi.


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