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"The Bachelor's" Ben Flajnik to choose between Courtney and Lindzi

Ben Flajnik of ABC's "The Bachelor" ABC

(CBS News) "The Bachelor's" Ben Flajnik will make his final decision tonight between model and pot-stirrer Courtney Robertson and down to earth Lindzi Cox.

On last week's "Women Tell All" special, the women who had been previously booted from the show came back for a two-hour name-calling session. The contestant who bore the brunt of the attacks was Robertson, whom they concluded Flajnik  liked  only because she was a model.

"She's a liar, vapid, manipulative, not nice and hurtful," said kicked-off contestant Monica Spannbauer during the special.

Throughout the season, the contestants claimed that Robertson didn't genuinely care for Flajnik, even though she kept getting asked back by the California winemaker.

"I came here for the same hopes and dreams you did -- for Ben -- and if I hurt your feelings, I'm really sorry," Robertson said during the special.

She also apologized to Flajnik saying, "I take it all back. I did the best I could. I'm sorry for hurting Ben. I care for him and still do."

Robertson's persona on the show as the woman everyone loves to hate has seemed to overshadow Cox. In the final episode entitled "Good v. Courtney" Flajnik will get down on one knee in Switzerland.

Despite the big decision Flajnik  has to make on tonight's finale  of "The Bachelor," his engagement reportedly won't  last long. According to Us Weekly Flajnik already has stopped talking to the woman to whom  he proposed  when the finale  was taped last November in Switzerland.

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