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"The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man" by Michael Chabon

The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man, Michael Chabon
Harper Collins, Jennifer Chaney

Jeff Glor talks to Pulitzer Prize-wining author Michael Chabon about "The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man." It is Chabon's first picture book.

Jeff Glor: What inspired you to write the book?

Michael Chabon: My then five-year-old son. Watching him struggle with all the typical little-boy issues of self-control and the limits, both practical and social, of physical strength. Watching him love putting on a cape.

JG: What surprised you the most during the writing process?

MC: How much harder than I the incredible artist, Jake Parker, had to work.

JG: What would you be doing if you weren't a writer?

MC: I would just be getting into my time machine to go back in time and strangle Hitler in his cradle. Or to persuade Stanley Kubrick to go ahead and make Napoleon.

JG: What else are you reading right now?

MC: A beautiful novel, "A Pigeon and a Boy," by the Israeli novelist Meir Shalev.

JG: What's next for you?

MC: Movie and TV work, for the time being, while I recharge my novel-writing batteries; I just turned in my next novel, "Telegraph Avenue," to my editor.

For more on "The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man," visit the Harper Collins website.

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