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The Art Of Flirting


A very tried, and very true form of attempted relationship-starting.

But is it going the way of the Edsel in this world of instant and text messaging and e-mailing?

Certainly not, says relationship expert Steve Santagati. He says it's as great a way as ever to break the ice, the old-fashioned way, up close and personal, wherever someone catches your eye. It doesn't have to be confined to the bar scene.

But it helps to know what you're doing.

As The Early Show continued its weeklong series "How To Date in 2008" Wednesday, Santagati critiqued four flirters who role-played two scenarios: people on a first date, and in a grocery store.

The flirters:

On a first date:

Eric, 28, never married, who says he "could certainly use some guidance. Sometimes I take it too far."

Christine, 32, never married, who calls herself "an excellent flirter. I used to hang around the Boston College football team. But everyone can always learn something!"

In a grocery aisle:

Kim, 45, never married, and describes herself as a good flirter, but says she could use all the help she can get.

Richard, 39, divorced, who says he enjoys "the game of dating, sometimes more than dating itself. I always wanna learn something new; I am a perpetual student."


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