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Teen was sex slave of two men, Ryan Balletto and Patrick Pearmain, who forced her to work in marijuana fields, say Calif police

(CBS/AP) SAN FRANCISCO - Authorities say a 15-year-old girl was forced to work in a marijuana growing operation and was sexually abused by two men in Northern California who locked her in a metal toolbox for days.

The allegations against 30-year-old Ryan Balletto and 24-year-old Patrick Pearmain are outlined in a federal criminal complaint unsealed on Monday.

The men have been charged with marijuana possession and using a minor in drug operations.

Authorities alleged Balletto and Pearmain used the girl to cut marijuana buds at a Lake County property and had sex with her.

According to CBS San Francisco, the girl from the Los Angeles area told investigators she was kept in a 4-by 2-foot box for at least three days right next to a trailer on the pot growers' property.

Authorities reportedly found a noose and a rack to hold someone against their will and several bondage-related sex devices near the box.

Police confiscated over one thousand marijuana plants and a stash of weapons, according to the station.

Police reportedly said the victim is now in a safe place and there is some indication that there may be other victims. Authorities urge those that might have been victims of the two suspects to step forward.

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