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Teen shot at R.I. kindergarten graduation party

Police say a 16-year-old was shot on Sunday, June 2, 2013 at this home in Providence, R.I. during a kindergarten graduation party. WPRI

(CBS/AP) PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Police in Providence, R.I. are searching for a group of youths who showed up uninvited to a kindergarten graduation party and shot one of the guests.

Police say 16-year-old Ny'asia Lawrence was shot in the back on Sunday and is being treated at Hasbro Children's Hospital.

Police say an argument began when Lawrence's mother told an uninvited guest at her nephew's kindergarten graduation party to either leave or pay for the food he was eating.

They say the youth left but came back to the home with a group of friends, one of whom had a gun and began shooting.

Lawrence was the only one injured.

Police have not made any arrests.

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