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Teacher found partially nude with Ky. student gets indicted...but not for sex crimes

Carrie Shafer WLKY

(CBS/WLKY) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A former Jefferson County, Ky. high school teacher found partially nude with a 17-year-old male student has been indicted by a grand jury, but not for sex crimes,  reports CBS affiliate WLKY.

Pictures: Notorious Teacher Sex Scandals

Carrie Shafer, 38, is facing a felony charge for custodial interference for keeping the teen after school without parental permission, according to the station.

Shafer also reportedly pleaded not guilty to unlawful transaction with a minor for providing the teen with alcohol, a misdemeanor.

Shafer was found partially nude with the student in March in a parked car at Miles Park after hours.

"Upon further investigation (at the time) it appeared to be some used condoms and some wet wipes were outside the vehicle that appeared to come from that vehicle at that point," said Louisville Metro Police spokesperson Dwight Mitchell, reported WLKY.

Reportedly police initially claimed Shafer could face a sex abuse charge - even if the encounter was consensual, and even though the teen was above the age of consent - due to a provision in the state law making it a felony for those in a position of power to engage sexually with subordinates.

According to defense attorney Brian Butler, this law may not have applied to Shafer's situation.

"Yes, it's a teacher. Yes, it's a student, but their contact in the school setting was minimal, or not at all," Butler said, according to WLKY.

Shafer is scheduled for a hearing Monday morning.

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