Take a vicarious (juggling) journey around Iceland
(CBS News) Some days there is simply too much to juggle and not enough time in the day to get it all done. Which is why it's such a good thing we have the Internet and can find a way to relax, unwind and take in some sights and sounds of exotic locales. Oh, and speaking of juggling, that's exactly what our vicarious vacation entails, along with a tour of Iceland. Check it out.
Don't you just love the rise of GoPro cameras and the first-person perspective they provide? The video entitled "Juggling Around Iceland" (for pretty obvious reasons) includes music from Ásgeir Trausti, and was posted by YouTube user thatjugglerguy who writes about the journey:
A trip around Iceland with a GoPro and some juggling balls.And here I thought I had a lot to juggle... A big triple-rainbow salute of talented, traveling multi-tasker goes out to him from all us here at The Feed for this unique perspective! And to check out more great work by thatjugglerguy, be sure to visit his YouTube page by clicking here.