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Suze Orman Watch (or Barf Patrol)

At first, I threw out my Sunday New York Times Magazine with Suze Orman on the cover. Then, I remembered that I needed the crossword puzzle, so I retrieved it from the recycle bin. I knew it was coming. I even sent my bosses a link to the article with the subject: :"I think I'm going to barf."

I can't tell you when I developed a special loathing for the "ubiquitous, telegenic personal-finance expert," but probably when I realized that she was going to corner the market on personal financial advice well before I ever could. But the envy of her success is only part of the story. I detest the way Orman talks down to people and shames them. I think of her as the Dr. Laura Schlesinger (no relation!) of finance.

Here's what"s curious about Orman: despite the stupendous, cross-promotional career that she has created and super-sized by Queen Oprah, Orman could not come close to stopping the personal credit fiasco that occurred over the past 10 years. That finger-wagging shtick was not enough to prevent many Americans from spending beyond their means. Nor will it get them out of debt.

Bless those souls who seek redemption in Sister-Suze... like other televangelists, she will keep sucking your wallets dry for the same regurgitated advice. In turn, you will feel better for investing $9.99 in your personal financial transformation.

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