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Suzanne Tamim Murder: Will Lebanese Pop Diva Receive Justice?

Suzanne Tamim (AP File)

CAIRO, Egypt (CBS/AP) A retrial has begun for an Egyptian real estate mogul accused of hiring a hit man to murder Lebanese pop star Suzanne Tamim in her Dubai apartment.

In his first trial, Hisham Talaat Moustafa was convicted of paying a former policeman $2 million to kill the 30-year-old singer, who was his ex-girlfriend, in July 2008.

The two men were sentenced to death, but an appeals court ordered a new trial, citing incorrect legal procedures and insufficient evidence.

On Monday, both men pleaded not guilty.

Mustafa has close ties to the centers of power in Egypt. He is a member of parliament and a senior ruling party figure.

The allegations against him shocked Egyptians unused to seeing powerful politicians taken to court.

March 5, 2010 - Egyptian Billionaire Hisham Mustafa, Convicted of Killing Pop Star Girlfriend, Wins Appeal
June 25, 2009 - End Of The Rope For Tycoon In Pop Diva Murder
May 22, 2009 - Egyptian Tycoon Will Hang For Pop Diva Murder

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