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Suspect Accused of Lying in NY Terror Plot

Prosecutors say a man linked to a terrorism suspect who planned to attack New York City with homemade bombs lied to federal investigators.

Brooklyn prosecutors have indicted Afghan-born Zarein Ahmedzay on charges of making material false statements. He appeared in court Friday.

Ahmedzay pleaded not guilty and was remanded without bail. A bail hearing for Ahmedzay is scheduled for Tuesday.

Ahmedzay and Bosnian-born Adis Medunjanin were arrested Friday after officials linked them last year to the investigation of Afghan-born Najibullah Zazi. He was charged in a plot to bomb New York City.

Prosecutors say Ahmedzay didn't name all the places he had visited in Pakistan and Afghanistan while visiting in late 2008 and early 2009.

The indictment also says Ahmedzay lied when he denied having discussions about attending a camp to receive military-type training.

Ahmedzay's brother has said he is not guilty.

A federal official told CBS News the FBI didn't initially plan to arrest Medunjanin when the search warrant was executed. When agents seized his passport, Mednunjanin became angry and drove off in his car at a high speed, the official said.

While driving erratically, Medunjanin called 911 and made angry comments referencing Allah, the law enforcement officials said. He got into an accident and was treated at a hospital for minor injuries.

Medunjanin, who is originally from Bosnia, and Ahmedzay, who was born in Afghanistan, are U.S. citizens. They and Zazi attended Flushing High School in Queens.

Medunjanin also played football at Flushing High and graduated in June from Queens College. Ahmedzay is licensed to drive a taxi in New York City and took the civil service exam to become a firefighter, although his score made him unlikely to get an appointment.

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