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"Survivor: Redemption Island" full of tears and boasts

Russell duels Matt on Redemption Island (CBS)

(CBS) "Survivor" added another legend to its lore Wednesday night when the castaways on "Survivor: Redemption Island" managed to do something that eluded the casts of two previous "Survivor" seasons. (SPOILER ALERT)

Pictures: "Survivor" Redemption Island"

Russell Hantz, in his third season without ever being voted off, was ousted from the game in the third episode. Russell's tribe had banished him to Redemption Island last week and at the start of this week's episode, he lost a one-on-one challenge to Matt, the island's current occupant, and was removed from the game.

Hantz broke down at the defeat, pushing his hat down over his face at first to hide the tears, then breaking into shoulder-heaving sobs. He vowed it was his last time playing the game.

In his two previous "Survivor" appearances, Russell made it to the final three, but never got one jury vote, letting the title - and the $1 million prize - slip away.

But to be fair to those other seasons' casts, Russell operated pretty much under the radar for his first few days in camp, allowing him to form the alliances that would let him control the game and make it to the end.

In his first foray,"Survivor: Samoa", he was an unknown, as were all the other castaways. "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villlains", his second appearance, was filmed before "Samoa" was aired, so the group of returning castaways had no knowledge of the broken promises, blindsides and backstabbing that littered Russell's path to the finale.

But this group was fully informed. As Rob Mariano, the only other veteran returning to the current game has noted several times in the past, when new and old castaways are mixed, the veterans come with big targets on their backs. And Russell's known treachery and abrasive personality only made that bullseye bigger.

Oh, yes, about the rest of the episode. Philip continued to annoy his tribemates, but when it came for Tribal council (yes, Ometepe lost another immunity challenge), it was Kristina who was banished to fight Matt on Redemption Island.

Will Russell's ouster make the game less interesting? Take our poll and discuss in the comments below.

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