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Sunday: Sanders, King, Gowdy

Thanksgiving has traditionally heralded a slow news week, but that's another truism that's simply no longer true…

To mark our national day of gratitude, President Trump made a televised series of phone calls to US troops stationed around the world - and in the process, he threatened to shut down the entire US-Mexico border.  The President suggested the military could even use lethal force against would-be migrants into our country - an action whose constitutionality is in-question.  

Mr Trump's ongoing war of words with Chief Justice John Roberts extended into the holiday as well.  And though the President has submitted written answers to questions posed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the news that Jerome Corsi - a confidant of one-time Trump adviser Roger Stone - is negotiating a plea agreement with Mueller's investigation adds yet another twist to the long-running saga.  At the same time, before they lose control of their committees, House Republicans have issued subpoenas to former FBI Director James Comey and Barack Obama's Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Comey - who has already testified behind closed-doors and believes GOP congressmen selectively leaked his testimony - has vowed to fight the subpoena.  

And in news that hit especially close to home for the Trump family, it was revealed this week that First Daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump had used her personal email domain to conduct White House business throughout 2017.  Although President Trump was quick to dismiss the report, the fact that candidate Trump made Hillary Clinton's email use one of his signature campaign issues in 2016 has left the President - and his daughter -  vulnerable to charges of hypocrisy by both Democrats and Republicans and will likely lead to investigations by the incoming Congress.

The government of Saudi Arabia continues to revise its story on who is responsible for the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.  In an interview with CBS News, Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir denied the involvement of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman - despite the fact that the US intelligence community has apparently come to the opposite conclusion.  The Saudis do have one key supporter: President Trump - who has made clear the Khashoggi killing will not affect US-Saudi relations nor his support of the Crown Prince.

While the President has cited the importance of Saudi Arabia to the US economy, it is uncertain how he will respond to the latest US government report on climate change - a report that estimates economic harm from environmental degradation could skyrocket into the hundreds of billions of dollars every year within the next 30 years.

For the latest on the week that was and the week ahead, don't miss Margaret Brennan (@margbrennan) this Sunday on "Face the Nation" (@FaceTheNation).

Sen. Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders), I-Vermont, has penned a new book: "Where We Go from Here." We'll hear from him.

We'll talk also to Sen. Angus King (@SenAngusKing), I-Maine.

We'll hear from Rep. Trey Gowdy (@TGowdySC), R-South Carolina.

And as always, we'll turn to our panel for some perspective:

On television, on the radio and streaming online, don't miss America's premier public affairs program this weekend! Click here for your local listings.

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