Streaker at Cardinals game says he lost a bet
(CBS/AP) ST. LOUIS - A streaker who ran naked onto the field during a Phillies-Cardinals game says he did so because he lost a bet.
Twenty-two-year-old Collin Grundstrom of Jefferson City was captured at Busch Stadium after shedding his clothes before the start of the seventh inning Thursday night. Officers retrieved his shorts from the stands and made him put them back on before leading him away.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Grundstrom is charged with violating two city ordinances — being a spectator running on the playing field, and lewd and lascivious behavior. He was jailed overnight.
The head of security at the stadium, Joe Walsh, says Grundstrom "appeared to have been drinking."
Cardinals third baseman David Freese had an interesting outlook on the incident.
"He was naked. He's not carrying much," Freese told the Post-Dispatch. "That relaxes that aspect of the drama. I guess naked's better. I don't know. Less to worry about."