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Stormy Daniels Calls Off Senate Bid

Stormy Daniels AP

Politicians of all stripes know all too well that anyone without gray-haired experience and stellar credentials can expect to be ruthlessly vetted when making a political bid.

But how Louisiana-born porn star Stormy Daniels' political career would have been received will remain a mystery.  Today she announced she would not run against incumbent Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter in the midterm elections.

Over the last year, Daniels flirted with the idea of running against Vitter in this year's election, but decided to drop the race on Thursday, saying that like Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, she has been the "target of the cynical stalwarts of the status quo."

"Simply because I did not fit in their mold of what an independent working woman should be, the media and political elite have sought to relegate my sense of civic responsibility to mere sideshow antics," Daniels (whose real name is Stephanie Clifford) said in a statement released today.

"They did this not simply for the sake of expediency but because to have a woman of my background challenge the core conscripts of our political and social culture is simply too much for a system that holds that only lawyers and insurance salesmen are qualified to lead," she continues.

Although a registered Democrat throughout her life, Daniels made headlines last week when she proudly switched partiesafter learning the Republican National Committee reimbursed an outing at a topless, bondage-themed nightclub.

In a statement released April 6, she said, "It is time again to inspire positive risks and out-of-the-box thinking in the interest of growing a strong economy and a strong America. For me, this spirit can be summed up in the RNC's investment of donor funds at Voyeur."

She added, "As someone who has worked extensively in both the club and film side of the Adult Entertainment Industry, I know from experience that a mere $1900 outlay at a club with the reputation of Voyeur is a clear indication of a frugal investment with a keen eye toward maximum return."

Photos: Stormy Daniels Considers Senate Bid

Daniels began thinking about a political career in 2007 as Vitter was dealing with the fallout from a sex scandal after his phone number surfaced in a Washington prostitution ring.

However, Vitter's reelection campaign seems to have been less marred by the scandal than some thought. He recently released a campaign finances report that shows he has more than $5 million on hand as of March 31, with $1.1 million raised and more than $618,000 spent in the first quarter, reports the Associated Press.

Daniels also addressed this financial disparity in her statement today.

"The simple fact that David Vitter has $5 million in his bank account pretty much says it all. Against that shear accumulation of special interest dollars, I have no legitimate means of winning a race for the United States Senate under these circumstances," Daniels said.

"I am not running for the US Senate because I am an adult entertainment star. I am not running for the US Senate for the same reason that so many dedicated patriots do not run--I can't afford it, " she continued.

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