Spectacular optical illusion turns static pictures into animation
(CBS News) YouTube user brusspup has been featured on The Feed a few times in the past for an array of amazing optical illusions that have you questioning whether you've discovered a "glitch in the Matrix". And now he's back with another stunning one in the video above. Check it out.
Wow! I mean, I know many of you probably probably understand the mechanics of what's happening here and it's actually a play on some early methods used in animation... but you know what? I'm still going with "wow!" YouTube user brusspup writes about this latest optical illusion (that includes original music by him in the video that you can find here) and how to do it yourself:
Below are links to the images found in this video so you can print them out and try it yourself. You'll have to print the template onto a transparency. If you have an ink jet printer you have to use a special transparency made specifically for ink jet printers. When you print the images and the template make sure to print them all at the same size if any of the sizes change the effect will not work.
Well, count us totally impressed once again, and it should probably come as no surprise that brusspup has just earned himself yet another triple-rainbow salute of shock and awe from everyone here at The Feed. And to check out more amazing optical illusions by brusspup, you can click here to see some of our previous posts or visit his YouTube page by clicking here.http://i.imgur.com/JUjKj.jpg