Special Father's Day for Scott Brown
Father's Day is this Sunday and "Early Show" contributor Ayla Brown gave her dad a very special gift this year.
She did a one-on-one interview with her famous father, new Mass. Sen. Scott Brown, asking questions only a daughter could.
It was the perfect gift, because the thing he says he treasures most is the time he spends with his family.
Ayla asked her father when he finally started to see her as a grown-up. Brown laughed and said, "Yesterday!"
Ayla, in many ways, is like the son Brown never had. The two share a love of basketball; both played for their college teams.
"You know my dad as Senator Scott Brown, the Republican Senator who shocked the nation when he won the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat," said Ayla, "but to me, he's always just been Dad -- the guy who taught me how to play basketball and how to ride a motorcycle."
Brown started his political career as a Wrentham, Mass. property assessor.
Eighteen years later, he captured his Senate seat.
"He won with a lot of long hours on the road campaigning in his pickup truck. Since his stunning victory, we've endured a few embarrassing moments," said Ayla.
For Scott Brown, they included t=the resurfacing of his 1982 nude Cosmopolitan Magazine spread. For Ayla and her sister, it was Election Night.
After being elected, Brown gave a public thank-you to his family -- his wife, Gail, and his two daughters, Ayla and Arianna, "who, if anyone is wondering, are both available."
Ayla asked her dad what was running through his head when he told the public that both her and her sister are available.
"Are you scared or worried that I won't find someone?" Ayla kidded.
Brown answered, "I'm not worried about you or Arianna. You both are going to have nice lives. And if you make your mistakes, that's up to you guys now. I was just trying to be funny."
For the Browns, life has changed significantly.
"The amount of time that we've spent together as a family is obviously much different. And so, that's the only thing that really bothers me about the job," said Brown.
Recently, Brown had his first one-on-one meeting with the President, a job many people speculate Brown aspires to have one day.
"If Mom, Arianna, and I all supported you in this decision, would you run for President?" Ayla asked.
But Brown simply laughed it off, responding, "My only goal right now is to be the best Senator for the people of Massachusetts."
And through Ayla joked that her sister, Arianna, would really like to live in the White House one day, Brown laughed that a guided tour will have to suffice.
Through the embarrassing moments, long hours, and miles and miles of traveling, Ayla observed, she and her father have managed to stay incredibly close.
Ayla suggests that "every kid on Father's Day ask the tough questions and get to know their dad a little more."
Personal questions or not, Ayla says her dad will continue telling her the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
The interview, she says, was a little nerve-wracking, but even after living with him her whole life, Ayla still managed to learn a few things she didn't know about her father.
"One was how sad he was that he wasn't able to make my senior game for basketball," Alya reveAled. "And I asked that question, you didn't see it on tape, but he was so devastated that he couldn't be there. He felt as though he ahd let me down. Seeing it and hearing it made me find something new about him."