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Spade And Locklear Reunite On TV

David Spade and Heather Locklear used to date but it ended amicably enough for her to appear on his CBS show, "Rules of Engagement," where art imitates life as his character tries to win her heart.

But Spade doesn't just play any guy. His character, Russell, is the smarmiest of men, interested in nothing but sex.

"I know guys like this and you can kind of exaggerate it all and make it more funny," he told The Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith. "In real life, I know I kind of get that rap, but I'm a little more mellow than that, little more subdued because I'm a little more boring than that. It's just fun to play it up and be dumb about it."

Working with Locklear was easy, he said, because even though she is known for her dramatic roles on "Dynasty" and "Melrose Place," she's actually quite funny.

Photos: CBS Fall Lineup
"She comes on the show this week," he said. "Last time she was on, we started to hook up and then this time she's single and ready to get going."

Spade has been a favorite among audiences since his days on "Saturday Night Live" in the 1990s when he starred along side Adam Sandler and the late Chris Farley, with whom he made some hit movies like "Tommy Boy" and "Black Sheep."

"There is (the late) Phil (Hartman), too," Spade said. "I mean, it seems like not that long ago, but a lot's gone down since. I still see Sandler and (Chris) Rock a lot. Those are probably my two best friends from there that I still talk to a lot."

In addition to "Rules of Engagement," which co-stars Patrick Warburton and Oliver Hudson, Spade is still performing stand-up comedy.

"Still doing my crummy little jokes, do it in Vegas a lot and some things around the country," he said. "But it's still the same act from '87, so everyone can pay more to see it."

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