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2 of the best ways to get cheap pet insurance

There are reliable ways to get a cheap pet insurance rate without having to sacrifice care.  Getty Images/iStockphoto

Pet insurance, while not as well known as other traditional insurance types, can be one of the more beneficial financial services on the market. In exchange for a fee to an insurance provider each month, dog and cat owners can expect guaranteed medical care for their pets. And they know that they will have the financial support to get through any emergencies or illnesses.

The benefits of pet insurance are multiple and significant, with advantages for many types of breeds and ages. But, like all valuable financial services, it comes with a cost. Pet insurance isn't typically considered expensive (cats and dogs are usually less than $100 per month, depending on a few important factors). 

There are, however, reliable ways to get a cheaper pet insurance rate without having to sacrifice care. 

If you're considering pet insurance then start by getting a free online price quote now so you know exactly what it would cost.

2 of the best ways to get cheap pet insurance

There are multiple ways to get cheap and discounted pet insurance. Here are two of the best: 

Start as early as possible

One way that pet insurance and life insurance for humans are similar? The longer you wait the more expensive it becomes. And if you wait until it's too late you can risk coverage disqualification altogether. That's why you should apply for a pet insurance policy as soon as you can (the benefits for new owners are numerous).

By applying early, when your dog or cat is young and healthy, you can put yourself in the running for the lowest rates on the market. Insurance providers consider a young dog or cat a safe bet to insure. That safety will be reflected in lower costs passed on to you.

Another reason it pays to get pet insurance as early as possible is pre-existing conditions. Pet insurance is not like medical insurance for humans. Pet insurance providers can (and will) turn down your pet if they're battling pre-existing conditions.

"A pre-existing condition is any injury or illness which occurs or shows symptoms before coverage starts or during a waiting period," pet insurer Spot explains on its website. "A condition is considered pre-existing whether or not it's been officially diagnosed or treated; all that matters is when it occurred or symptoms first displayed."

So, if you wait to insure your pet later in its life, you'll pay more for less coverage. But, if you act soon when your pet is healthy and medical conditions are minimal (if they exist at all), you'll lock in a cheaper rate for more robust coverage.

You can get a free pet insurance quote from Spot in 30 seconds.

Consult your veterinarian for guidance

Your veterinarian is arguably the only person as familiar with your pet and their medical history as you are. So why not consult them when it comes to picking a pet insurance plan?

Your vet can help you build any insurance plan specifically for the pet you have. They're already closely involved with the medical care of your animal and see similar issues each day. By consulting your veterinarian, you can more accurately personalize your pet insurance coverage to only what you need now - or may need in the future. This way you don't get stuck with a bill for coverage you're unlikely to use.

Veterinarians also know which breeds are likely to suffer from hereditary conditions. Accordingly, they can predict with some certainty what health conditions to have coverage for. English bulldogs and similar "flat face" dog types, for instance, are prone to suffer from Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome (BAOS). Your vet already knows this. So speak to them before you sign up with a provider. They will be able to help you build a personalized plan - and get cheaper monthly rates in the process.

The bottom line

Pet insurance isn't typically expensive. But that doesn't mean you should pay any amount, either. By purchasing a plan early in your pet's life - and by consulting your vet to build a cost-effective plan - you can put yourself in the running for cheap but valuable pet insurance protections.

Get a quote from pet insurer Lemonade here now or start shopping other top providers via the table below.

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